Monday, August 13, 2007

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

I love the saying what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!! That sums up my relationship with Lee Alexander Murphy. I am definitely a stronger person because of him. Today is his 37th birthday. So my first ever blog is dedicated to the man that I have spent the last 15 years with. I have not killed him nor he I. (But that is not for lack of trying)

Lee is the most complex and intriguing man I have ever been married to. This picture is my most favorite picture ever of Lee. I think brilliant people like Lee are never at peace. But for one brief moment in the misty mornings of Ocala Florida Lee found peace. (Not with me but with a horse!) He still has not been able to break me. Secretly he would be bored if I always listened to his sage advice and did what I said I was going to do.
Lee often questions if I even like him (He knows I Love him but Like is different) so what follows is 37 things I love/like about Lee. Happy Birthday Lee!
1. The most awesome calf muscles
2. Unquenchable thirst for any type of learning
3. You are not threatened by me being smarter than you ha ha...
4. Uncanny ability to dedicate songs
5. You wake up happy and talking nonsense
6. Great "Faaaa" Soup (Spelling??)
7. Your testimony of the Savior
8. Spiky Hair
9. Long Curly white eyelashes
10. Ability to fix crappy cars, lawn mowers, computers, bikes, etc
11. Knowledge of anything technical or mechanical
12. You can always make Shani smile or laugh when I want to beat her
13. Horse whisperer
14. You can beat Ty or Trey at any Star Wars video game
15. You are not afraid to spend money on nice things or things you want
16. You let me... let you.... think you are in charge
17. Play catch for 13 hours straight with Trey
18. You throw back fish after you catch them (Thank you!!)
19. You will eat macaroni and cheese and consider it a meal
20. You still think tomato soup and grilled cheese are gourmet food
21. Tendencies toward OCD behavior
22. Perfectionist
24. You have taught our children the gospel in a way that they understand
25. Giving up everything you love and dream of for your family
26. Wanting your children to experience good literature Lord of the Flies, The Hobbit, Book of Mormon, Yertle the Turtle, and Where the Red Fern Grows and more.....
27. Ability to share a thought or view coherently (unlike me)
28. Can give inspiring talks
29. You still can run fast.... the best Flag Football Player at NMT
30. Patience with Shani
31. Great soccer coach to TY and Trey
32. Never give up on any project
33. "What are you doing Paige?"
34. Letting me be "Beazus"
35. Teaching me to follow through on things
36. Letting me be whatever I want to be and encouraging more out of me
and finally.....................................
37. I still think you are ever so handsome in a ball cap and sunglasses